Every Monday at 2:00pm parishioners, clergy from our parish and a few parishioners from other parishes pray a rosary and a Divine Mercy Chaplet at Planned Parenthood for approximately a half an hour witnessing for life.
The World Apostolate of Fatima is made up of individual members around the world who strive to practice the spiritual requests of Our Lady of Fatima in reparation for sins, for the conversion of sinners, for the salvation of souls, and to obtain the triumph of her Immaculate Heart and peace in the world. The first Thursday of each month members meet to pray the Rosary with a devotion to Our Lady of Fatima.
The Legion of Mary is one of the largest lay apostolic organizations, with over three million active members throughout the world. We meet every Tuesday morning at 10:30am at SSPP in the Ministry Center (Room 227). For more information please contact: Bernadette McKeon 267-885-9571 and Paulette Shea 630-718-2127.
Evening prayer will be held in the Holy Family Chapel every Thursday evening at 6 p.m. Please come and join this beautiful prayer of the church led by Deacon Roger Novak. It is an important prayer outside the Mass. Come for prayer, praise, and song!
Every Monday at 2:00pm parishioners, clergy from our parish and a few parishioners from other parishes pray a rosary and a Divine Mercy Chaplet at Planned Parenthood for approximately a half an hour witnessing for life.
At Saints Peter & Paul, Seasons of Hope is a unique, Christ-centered Catholic support group for the bereaved. Sessions are intended for the bereaved who have lost a spouse, family member or close friend through death. The program is divided into four, six-week sessions, called Seasons, which are held throughout the year. Participants may join at the beginning of any Season. For more information contact Deacon Joe Verdico or Paulette Shea.
The Legion of Mary is one of the largest lay apostolic organizations, with over three million active members throughout the world. We meet every Tuesday morning at 10:30am at SSPP in the Ministry Center (Room 227). For more information please contact: Bernadette McKeon 267-885-9571 and Paulette Shea 630-718-2127.
We make lap blankets, prayer shawls, baby blankets, caps and booties which are knitted or crocheted by the members. When the shawl is completed it is blessed by a priest and gift wrapped and presented with a prayer card to the recipient. Members may work independently at home and just drop off their contributions to the main office, or attend a monthly gathering of knitters on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. For more information contact Paulette Shea, 630-718-2127.
Evening prayer will be held in the Holy Family Chapel every Thursday evening at 6 p.m. Please come and join this beautiful prayer of the church led by Deacon Roger Novak. It is an important prayer outside the Mass. Come for prayer, praise, and song!
Nourish is for anyone juggling the challenges of life, health and career while caring for a disabled child, an aging parent, grandparent, or spouse. Nourish provides family caregivers practical and emotional supports, shared experiences and useful tools, all with a Christ-centered view.
Every Monday at 2:00pm parishioners, clergy from our parish and a few parishioners from other parishes pray a rosary and a Divine Mercy Chaplet at Planned Parenthood for approximately a half an hour witnessing for life.
The Legion of Mary is one of the largest lay apostolic organizations, with over three million active members throughout the world. We meet every Tuesday morning at 10:30am at SSPP in the Ministry Center (Room 227). For more information please contact: Bernadette McKeon 267-885-9571 and Paulette Shea 630-718-2127.
Evening prayer will be held in the Holy Family Chapel every Thursday evening at 6 p.m. Please come and join this beautiful prayer of the church led by Deacon Roger Novak. It is an important prayer outside the Mass. Come for prayer, praise, and song!
Every Monday at 2:00pm parishioners, clergy from our parish and a few parishioners from other parishes pray a rosary and a Divine Mercy Chaplet at Planned Parenthood for approximately a half an hour witnessing for life.
At Saints Peter & Paul, Seasons of Hope is a unique, Christ-centered Catholic support group for the bereaved. Sessions are intended for the bereaved who have lost a spouse, family member or close friend through death. The program is divided into four, six-week sessions, called Seasons, which are held throughout the year. Participants may join at the beginning of any Season. For more information contact Deacon Joe Verdico or Paulette Shea.
The Legion of Mary is one of the largest lay apostolic organizations, with over three million active members throughout the world. We meet every Tuesday morning at 10:30am at SSPP in the Ministry Center (Room 227). For more information please contact: Bernadette McKeon 267-885-9571 and Paulette Shea 630-718-2127.
Evening prayer will be held in the Holy Family Chapel every Thursday evening at 6 p.m. Please come and join this beautiful prayer of the church led by Deacon Roger Novak. It is an important prayer outside the Mass. Come for prayer, praise, and song!
Every Monday at 2:00pm parishioners, clergy from our parish and a few parishioners from other parishes pray a rosary and a Divine Mercy Chaplet at Planned Parenthood for approximately a half an hour witnessing for life.