Help Wanted to Lead the Transitional Housing Ministry
The Sts. Peter & Paul Transitional Housing Ministry (THM) has worked with more than 80 families in DuPage County over the past 30 years in their effort to escape homelessness and become totally independent. THM partners with Bridge Communities of Glen Ellyn to provide these families with housing, food, counseling, legal and job services, and perhaps most importantly, mentoring in financial and other life skills as provided by volunteer mentors, most of whom are parishioners at Sts. Peter & Paul.
THM is currently in need of a volunteer to serve as the lead person in providing oversight for the operation of THM. Primary responsibilities include:
Serving as the liaison person between THM and its mentors, and leaders from Sts. Peter & Paul Church and Bridge Communities.
Scheduling and coordinating monthly meetings among mentors to review the progress of “clients” within the program.
Interviewing new clients who are interested in joining the program, and making certain that they are settled into their new apartments.
Recruiting additional mentors as needed to fill any openings resulting from clients graduating from the program.
Assisting mentors with any issues that might arise with respect to the clients that they are mentoring.
The leadership position is not terribly time consuming, but is extremely important in making certain that all aspects of THM run smoothly. And, of course, there are tremendous rewards in knowing that families in real need are being helped in ways that they never thought possible.
If you might be interested in volunteering for this very important position, please contact Deacon Joe Verdico at 630-718-2155. A more complete job description is available upon request.