HEALINGJoin Father Burke Masters to learn how to ground your identity in God, help identify wounds and how they affect your life, and receive practical advice to find healing and freedom.
Videos and slides from Father Burke Masters' Mission talk on how to ground your identity in God, help identify wounds and how they affect your life, and advice on finding healing and freedom are below. PowerPoint Slides will download to your computer once link is clicked.
Monday, March 14 | Our Identity in the Holy Trinity | https://youtu.be/V4aGMMBfSaY | Night 1 Slides |
Tuesday, March 15 | Facing our Brokenness | https://youtu.be/1xtSCSEK2OU |
Night 2 Slides |
Wednesday, March 16 | Finding Healing in Our Lives |
https://youtu.be/HLwKtOBVMBs |
Night 3 Slides |